ABDL Inflation Woes & Diapered 24/7 Buying

ABDL Inflation Woes & Diapered 24/7 Buying

GASP! You look into your closet and notice you only have a few diapers left.

Regrettably, you wore past the danger zone of running low on your precious diaper inventory weeks ago. You soaked right past the half case safety mark until the day has arrived and you have but one pack left. *CUE PANIC!*

You go to your favorite diaper-buying websites to check for diapers to order and, "OH NO!" You find ALL the brands you like, and even the designs you don't like are SOLD OUT or only available in pack quantity! You look at the option of ordering individual packs, but the price per diaper is 2x-3x higher!

You glance at your bank account and all of a sudden feel so little knowing you're going to be wetting your work chair and friend's couch for the next few weeks until diapers are back in stock at an economically feasible price for your budget. *DEEP BREATH*

Does this sound familiar in 2022? How about 2024? 2025? You were not alone.

Things became more expensive in 2022; Inflation rose to 9.1% as of July in the United States and continued into 2025.

Today, we have so many options of diapers to buy, from medical brands on one side of the spectrum to play diapers with beautiful prints on the other. The main difference between these two kinds of diapers comes down to features and price.

If you've been an ABDL for a while, you know that medical diapers don't have the finesse and the super high absorbency of ABDL printed diapers. After running a quick poll of my fellow ABDL friends, we all found that when we think of medical diapers, we think of the tried and true XP Medical X-Plus, Purple Molicare, Depend (lol), Tena Slip Maxi, 24/7, and Megamax diaper to name a few. Of all of these diaper brands, many ABDLs lean towards Megamax for absorbency, but even a 40-pack case of Megamax diapers runs at a price of $3.32 a diaper after shipping with no discounts on average.

Leading up to the pandemic, there was very little shortage of what you could order for your ABDL needs, and most prices for supplies, including diapers, remained the same even with subtle yearly inflation of 3-4%. This changed in 2022 as inflation across all categories of goods rose by 9.1%. Inflation has continued into 2024, and now into 2025 due to new tariffs.

So why is the combo of the pandemic and inflation such a problem? Your money buys less if you can even order what you need. Inflation also means your job is paying you less for the same work as your money has less buying power.

As a side note, one may also ask, "Are there more ABDLs or is this a logistics problem?" The answer is both.

Yes, there are new ABDL's at record rates coming into their independence and braver than ever to order their own supplies, thanks to social media. COVID-19 lockdowns and at-home ordering also caused extended diaper inventory outages, ongoing issues with product container shipping timelines, and increased shipping landed costs for companies. The pandemic significantly changed the pricing structure for diapers, baby powder, wipes, and baby formula.

However, for this article we are going to focus on diapers.

The pandemic changed demand & increased logistics costs.

When the pandemic hit, everyone was forced to stay inside, which caused another baby boom similar to the mid-1950s. Heard of the term "Covid baby?" Families got bored and busy in the bedroom. This Covid baby boom caused items such as baby formula and baby powder to run low while inventory struggled to ship and keep up. Logistics across the globe were taxed and couldn't scale with the increase in home ordering demand across all items. If you have recently gone to a Target, Walmart, or a local store, you may have encountered empty shelves for baby powder or wipes.

The instant concern with inflation and diaper brands being out of stock lead to two ABDL problems to solve:

  1. How do I buy affordable alternative diapers but still get the absorbency and diaper features I want/need?
  2. How do I buy and afford enough diapers to support wearing 24/7?
  3. How do I buy the diaper brands I like and want when out of stock?

What If I told you there is a new diaper on the market that has 5,000 absorbency, comfy fit, velcro tabs, and an affordable per diaper price?

"Wait, wait, wait, are you saying I could get a diaper that has most of the features I want for less than $1.84 per diaper?" Yes, I recommend you give the XP Medical 5000 diaper a test run for the price! And no, PretendAgain does not get any spiff or affiliate kickback for recommending any of the below diapers unless you buy our diaper: TryAgains. Our goal will always be to help you maximize your ABDL fun and pretend time! Many ABDLs are in careers where they can buy whatever brand of diaper they want regardless of price, whereas others need to budget. We hope to help both kinds ABDL buyers make economically smart decisions.

For those who have never done a "per unit cost" diaper price analysis when buying diapers, we have created a price key to help. Review the following price key before looking at the price sheets below:


Price Color Key
Green: Between $1-2
Orange: Between $2-3
Red: Between $3-4
Dark Red: $4+


Do you know how much you spend per diaper? Some of us hadn't, and after seeing the costs, we wanted to share what we found in 2022. You will want to update your own chart to 2025 pricing:

Popular Medical Diaper Price Sheet (September 2022)

Diaper Brand


Top 3 ABDL Features

(opinion features)

Average Price Per Diaper 

(to your doorstep)

Northshore MegaMax

Northshore Megamax White

  1. High Absorbency
  2. Thin Pre-wet Profile
  3. Squish Factor

$3.32 USD

(40 Case)

XPMedical Abena

Abena XPlus

  1. Sticky Tapes
  2. Medium Absorbency
  3. Nostalgic Feel

$1.59 USD

(42 Case)

Beyond XP5000

XP5000 Medium

  1. High Absorbency
  2. Velcro Tabs
  3. Comfy Fit

$1.84 USD

(56 Case)

XPMedical ComfiDry 24/7s

ComfyDry 247 Diaper

  1. High Absorbency
  2. Big Feel Fit
  3. Squish Factor

$1.72 USD

(72 Case)

Seni Super Quatro

XPMedical Seni Super Quatro Diaper

  1. Breathable Cloth Softness
  2. Medium Absorbency
  3. Major Squish Factor

$1.74 USD

(40 Case)




Popular ABDL Diaper Price Sheet (September 2024)


Diaper Brand

Top 3 ABDL Features

(opinion features)

Average Price Per Diaper 

(to your doorstep)

ABU Little Kings

ABU Little Kings Diaper

  1. Positional Printing
  2. High Absorbency
  3. Velcro Tapes

$4.50 USD

(10 pack)

ABU AlphaGatorZ

ABU AlphaGatorZ Diaper

  1. Positional Printing
  2. High Absorbency
  3. Velcro Tapes

$4.50 USD

(10 Pack)


ABU Peekabu Diaper

  1. Cute Landing Zone
  2. High Absorbency
  3. Squish Factor

$2.82 USD

(40 Pack)

ABU LittlePaws

ABU LittlePawz Diaper
  1. Cute Print
  2. Fade When Wet Ink
  3. High Absorbency

$2.75 USD

(40 Pack)

ABU Simple Ultras

ABU Simple Ultra Diaper
  1. White Diaper
  2. High Absorbency
  3. Squish Factor

$2.45 USD

(40 Pack)

ABU Bunny Hops

ABU BunnyHops Diaper

  1. Cute Print
  2. Two/Four Tape Velcro
  3. Medium Absorbency

$2.67 USD

(40 Pack)

ABU DinoRawrZ

ABU DinorawrZ Diapers

  1. Cute Print
  2. Four Tape Velcro
  3. Medium Absorbency

$2.67 USD

(40 Pack)

Tykables Overnights

Tykables Overnights Diaper

  1. Cute Print
  2. High Absorbency
  3. Velcro Tapes

$3.00 USD

(40 Pack)

Tykables Cammies

Tykables Cammies Diaper

  1. Cute Print
  2. High Absorbency
  3. Velcro Tapes

$3.00 USD

(40 Pack)

Tykables Waddler

Tykables Waddler Diaper

  1. Positional Print
  2. High Absorbency
  3. Fade When Wet Ink

$4.50 USD

(40 Pack)

Tykables Camelot

Tykables Camelots Diapers

  1. High Absorbency
  2. Velcro Tapes
  3. Squish Factor

$3.00 USD

(40 Pack)




FootnotesThe above numbers are on single 10-pack and 40- pack availability for what was available on all websites above. We hope this table above helps you stay padded for longer. Before your next purchase of diapers, make sure you do the math and don't forget to include the shipping cost in your calculation! Lean towards case quantity where possible (40 or 80 diaper count).

How Can I Make My Diaper Inventory Last Longer On A Budget?

This is the question nobody wants to answer because most of us would rather be always wearing diapers and the GOOD kind! 

"Wearing 24/7" Diaper Buying

If you wear diapers for need, knowing the dollar spent per diaper is essential as you don't have a choice not to wear a diaper. Wearing only ABDL diapers is expensive and a luxury for most. We recommend diversifying your inventory to maximize your buying power to cover your diaper-wearing needs.


If you haven't calculated your Daily Wearing Need number, we recommend doing this first. Once you have that daily wearing need number, you can do the math on different brands to see if you can budget for your favorite diapers or decide if you want to save money.

How to calculate "Daily Wearing Need" number:


  1. How many diapers do you require per day? #
  2. Add one more diaper (+1) to your day estimate to account for defective diapers and accidents.
  3. # (+1) of diapers used per day is multiplied by 365 days a year.
  4. Your total yearly diaper count can then be used to multiply by the cost per diaper $ depending on the diaper you are buying.
  5. This number will then provide you with a total budget needed to buy the number of diapers you need for the year.

Logic Example:


  1. I wear 3 diapers a day on average, one in the morning after my shower, one after the gym, and one before bed. I then need to add one to that 3 number to account for diaper defects and accidents. This makes my total daily diaper use number 4.
  2. I then take 4 diapers per day and multiply it by 365 days in a year. My total is 1,460 diapers needed (estimated) for the year.
  3. To keep this simple, we are only going to choose to buy one brand of diaper. If I buy XP5000, I then need to calculate how many cases I need for the year to reach 1,460 diapers.
  4. If I'm size medium, there are 56 diapers in a XP500 case. Take 1,460 diapers and divide it by 56. This comes to 26.07 cases. Since we can't use partial numbers and added 1 for defective diapers per day, we will round down to 26 cases as we will have more than enough diapers.
  5. Then we take 26 cases and multiply that by $103.04 USD (the price of an XP5000 case), which equals $2,679.04 USD.
  6. This means that a budget of $2,679.04 USD is needed for the year to wear 24/7 with that specific brand of diaper (XP5000).

"Optional Wearing" Diaper Buying

If you have control of your bladder, as most ABDLs do, some ways to save on diapers is to maximize how many diapers you can buy or only to wear a diaper when you know you can fully enjoy it.

A common ABDL practice is to ration expensive fun designed diapers. Specifically, wearing an ABDL-designed diaper for special occasions, Big Diaper Friday (BDF), or weekend full-enjoyment relaxation opportunities.

As for the rest of the time? We recommend comfy absorbent medical diapers such as the XP5000 Beyond Diaper, a recently discovered alternative affordable ABDL favorite to the original XP Abena diaper that was popular in the early 2000s.


So, What Did You Think?


Did any of the prices in the charts above surprise or shock you? Did you do the math and know how much you were spending on ABDL diapers or Megamax diapers on average?

Buying an 80-case is always the optimum (best) economic option when considering case pricing. Where possible, we recommend you purchase case quantity as this will maximize your pretend fun and increase your diaper stock per dollar spent!

I don't think any of us thought we would find ourselves having to make tough decisions about buying alternative brands on everyday store items. Still, to have the most fun in 2025 and to get the most out of your diaper money, we encourage you to use the charts above or create your own to decide what diapers you want to buy to wear 24/7 or to wear more in general.

With inflation likely continuing to increase into 2025, it's probably a great time to open the avoided Microsoft excel app or a Google sheets page and do some budgeting! 

P.S. Not knowing where your money is going isn't a budget! 

- Happy diaper wearing!

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