4 Tips for Preventing Diaper Leaks: ABDL Edition
Has this ever happened to you? You’re sitting at your desk enjoying your evening, lounging in the comfort of your diaper and jammies while you play Call of Legends: Treefort Royale. You’ve just finished your third drink, and your bladder is starting to get a little full. You’re a little damp already, but who cares? These diapers are rated for 6000ml, so there’s NO WAY in heck you’re gonna leak. You relax and do your business as you worry about where that last enemy is hiding… but that’s not the only thing you need to worry about. You look down and see two palm-sized dark spots and, in your distracted state, are ambushed by the enemy and lose the game! Oof!
Okay, this probably hasn’t happened to you down to the detail, but it could, and if it did, you bet your butt you’d be pretty annoyed. Let's be honest, nobody likes putting down a thick towel on their gaming chair, or couch let alone all that time spent cleaning up! Leaks are super inconvenient! Not only do you have to change prematurely, but you now have extra laundry and a wet chair! Diapers are expensive, and they’re supposed to protect you. What betrayal! D:
So let me help ya out! – If you want to prevent leaks, I’ve put together 4 handy dandy tips to make sure that when you’re trying to stay dry, you stay dry, mostly. ^//^
Tip 1: Fluff & Prep Your Diaper
There are a few things you can do before putting a diaper on that can help prevent leaks. First things first, make sure there are no holes or rips in the plastic or leg guards or your diaper. Holes and tears are almost guaranteed to cause leaks on even just one wetting. Just giving your diaper a quick glance over before putting it on can prevent some seriously embarrassing situations. This can include separating the leak guards from the diaper's core as the magical machines that pack the diapers can cause the leak guards to stick down, which rendered them useless!
After making sure the diaper is good to go, it’s a good idea to fluff your padding by folding it in half lengthwise (aka “hotdog style”) and rubbing the two halves together. This will put some air into the filling materials and allow them to absorb faster than they normally would if kept machine pressed from the package.
Also, make sure you stretch the leak guards out to make sure they’re able to make contact with your thighs properly. Also, make sure you have a diaper that’s the correct size and fits you comfortably. We have a few tips on another blog post: 6 Diaper Taping Tips!
Tip 2: Know your Limits: Diapers & Hydration
If you want to prevent leaks, always make sure you plan ahead! Diaper capacity should be considered alongside the activity. Thin diapers are great for those that change often or plan to go to the gym or go for a run, while thicker diapers are good for less physically active activities like seeing a play, going to the movie theatre, or going on a road trip. If you know you’ll be out for a while, wear something with a little more absorbency, and ideally, try to have at least one extra diaper with you in case of emergencies. Try to keep track of the amount of liquid you’re hydrating with, as it will all end up in your diaper at some point. Knowing your diaper's limits will help you immensely in not getting caught in an unfortunate situation. Diapers can only do so much to protect you, and you don’t necessarily need to use them to maximum capacity. Keep those diaper bags and changing supplies on you wherever you go, and make sure you change regularly as needed.
Tip 3: Wetting Positions & Absorption
There is pretty much an infinite number of ways of wetting your diaper, some better than others. I haven’t personally tried it, but I have to assume that wetting upside down would probably end poorly. You’ll find that while most diapers have higher capacity limits than others, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll leak less. To make the most of your diaper, you’ll most likely have to wet in a few different positions. If you mainly wet sitting down, the front part of the diaper will soak up almost everything, while your butt will stay relatively dry comparatively. It’s not bad to wet sitting down, but you’ll lose a lot of usable diaper if you don’t stand up to wet every so often. If you really want to maximize every inch of your diaper, you can also learn to wet laying on your back with your butt slightly elevated off the ground. You’ll want to make sure you can feel the diaper soaking up back there, and again, make sure you know your limits because an oversaturated diaper may be fine standing and walking around but could very easily leak after sitting due to the newly introduced pressure squeezing the (tiny absorbent crystals in the core of the diaper).
Tip 4: Secret Weapon: MORE PROTECTION!
If you wear diapers often enough, you’re bound to have some accidents. The previous tips should help with most day-to-day wearing and prevent 99% of noticeable leaks. But if you need MAXIMUM protection from leaks, there’s really only one solution: plastic pants. Plastic pants are the ultimate protection from embarrassing wet spots; as long as you inspect them for holes regularly, you should have no problems with leakage when wearing a well-fitting pair of plastic pants. There are, however, some trade-offs. Plastic pants don’t provide much if any air, so they will end up getting hot and sweaty, especially on hot days. Plastic pants can also be fairly loud, so if you need to be discrete or are planning on wearing them to a library, these may not be the right choice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wearing diapers should be fun and relaxing and a little distraction from the stresses of everyday life! Being proactive and responsible when wearing will cut down on leaks and maximize the utility. Whether you’re out with some friends at the park or chilling at home in your room playing games, make sure you’re fully protected and ready for the longest movie and the most intense game session! Hopefully, by following these tips, your pants will stay dry, and you’ll never have to do an extra set of laundry ever again! Success may vary.